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Surgical Anatomy Group


José Sañudo, Eva Maranillo and Sara Quiñones


This space is possible thanks to the generous and altruistic decision of donors, who with their decision have made possible progress in teaching and research in Medicine.

We would also like to thank Doctors Ricardo Brime, Juan Cabello and Helena Álvarez, who when they were students of the first two courses at the UCM Faculty of Medicine were able to contribute decisively to the realization of the embryo of this project. A website of Digital Anatomy by Regions. Without ever forgetting the rest of his colleagues who with their dissections and translations contributed to making the iconography of that initial page in its English and Spanish versions.

This space revolves around two great axes of the Human Anatomy. The Donation Center and the Dissection Room.

In the Body Donation Center, recipient and guarantor of the donor´s dignity, everything related to the protocols of donation, conservation, hygiene and occupational risks is explained.

In the Dissection Room, everything related to Anatomical Techniques, Regional Anatomy, Anatomical Variations, Clinical Cases and Self-Assessment is explained.